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OOHS Principal's Message Aug. 25, 2020 with OOHS logo
Devon Immelt

Dear Pioneer Students and Families,

After what seems like a very long time, we are incredibly excited to begin welcoming our students back to Orange High School next week!  It goes without saying that the past several months has been an incredibly challenging time for many in our community, and we all want nothing more than to get back to some sense of normalcy.  We know that while the start to this year will be anything but "normal," we are all anxious to see each other again and get back to the business of teaching and learning.

Our staffs, both at the building and District level, have been working incredibly hard to make the best of these challenging times, and it has required problem-solving like never before.  I humbly ask for everyone's grace, patience, and kindness as we work through what will surely be some bumps in the road ahead.  The safety protocols which I address in the attached video, and which we will specify in greater detail when students return to the building, are critical in allowing us to stay together in the building.  Please encourage your students to wear their masks appropriately, social distance when possible, and wash their hands often.  The very best way to get through this year for all of us is to be patient, be positive, be kind, and take the safety protocols in place to heart.

It has been far too long since I have seen our students in the building.  It is my sincere wish that we all find gratitude for the opportunities we do have, that we embrace and honor our differences and that we acknowledge that we all are in this together!  Please click on the link to view a brief video welcome and have a great rest of the week!

Proud to Serve as Your Principal,

Trond Smith

Olentangy Orange High School